비즈니스 영어 이메일을 작성할 때는 회사이 공식 이메일 계정을 활용하고, 명확한 제목과 인사말, 간결한 내용 전달, 마무리와 전자 서명을 적절히 사용하는 것이 중요합니다.
이 글에서는 비즈니스 영어 이메일을 작성하는 방법과 함께 바로 사용이 가능한 샘플 이메일도 함께 소개합니다.
이메일을 목적에 맞게 작성하는 것은 업무에서 매우 중요합니다. 이메일은 여전히 아주 중요한 의사 소통 수단 중 하나입니다. 최근에는 슬렉과 같은 협업 툴이 이메일을 대신하는 경우가 점점 늘고 있지만, 여전히 기업 외부 또는 다른 팀과의 의사 소통에는 이메일을 많이 사용합니다. 저는 미국 대기업, 한국 대기업에서 모두 중요한 의사 소통을 위해 영어 이메일을 사용하는 경우를 많이 경험했습니다.
업무에서 많이 사용하는 이메일을 목적에 따라 분류하면 아래와 같습니다.
먼저 비즈니스 영어 이메일 작성 기본에 대해 이야기하고 난 후, 각각의 목적에 대해 좀 더 자세히 설명하겠습니다.
비즈니스 영어 이메일 작성 기본
모든 비즈니스 이메일에 대해 적용되는 원칙은 다음과 같습니다.
- 비즈니스 영어 이메일을 보낼 때는 회사의 공식 이메일 계정을 활용합니다.
- 공식 이메일 계정이 없을 때는 이름이 명시된 이메일 계정을 사용합니다. (예시: john.r.smith@gmail.com)
- 명확한 제목을 사용합니다.
- 다른 회사에 이메일을 보낼 때는 회사 이름을 제목에 포함합니다.
- 인사말로 이메일을 시작합니다. (예시: Dear Melissa, Dear Mr. Smith, Hi George, Dear Company A, Dear Marketing Team)
- 이메일 마무리는 적절한 표현을 사용합니다. (예시: Regards, Thank you, Sincerly, Best regards)
- 이메일 전자 서명(electronic signature)에는 이름과 포지션, 그리고 연락처를 명시합니다.
문서 송부
문서 송부는 업무에서 빈번하게 일어납니다. 이런 영어 이메일에서는 첨부 파일의 파일명을 적절하게 쓰는 것이 중요합니다. 첨부 파일명은 간결하면서도 이메일 수신자가 파일에 담긴 내용을 열지 않고도 쉽게 파악할 수 있도록 작성하는 것이 좋습니다. 아래는 문서 송부 목적의 이메일 샘플입니다.
제목: 2022 PR Guidelines for Company B
Hi Justin,
This is Evan, Assistant Manager of the PR Team. We briefly met in yesterday’s meeting for the re-strategizing of our company’s marketing plan.
I recall that you requested the most recently updated version of the PR Guidelines for our company for reference. I have attached the document as a PDF to this email.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions about the guidelines.
Best regards,
Evan John
PR Assistant Manager
File name: PR_Guidelines_20221002.pdf
아래는 영어 이메일 작성자가 다른 회사의 직원에게 문서를 보내는 영어 이메일 샘플입니다. 다른 회사의 직원에게 문서를 보낼 때는 배경을 간결하게 설명하는 것이 중요합니다.
제목: Company C Brochure for 2022
Dear Company D Team,
Nice to e-meet you. My name is Dawn, and I am the B2B Sales Manager for Company C. Company C is the leading innovator of renewable energy technology for both corporations and households, saving the planet one step at a time.
I got a referral from Rachel John from Company D’s marketing department whom I met at the 2022 Innovation Expo last Friday. She informed me that Company D is considering working with Company C for their Spring 2023 project, so I wanted to send our company’s brochure on our products along with other reference material.
Looking forward to hearing back from you!
Let me know if you have any questions.
Best regards,
Dawn Evans
B2B Sales Manager
P: (111) 111-1111
E: dawnevans@companyc.com
협업 요청 (외부 기업, 인플루언서 등)
외부기업이나 인플루언서에게 협업 요청 또는 제안을 하기 위한 영어 이메일을 쓰는 경우도 빈번하게 발생합니다. 이러한 이메일에서는 긍정적인 기대감을 나타내도록 이메일을 작성하는 것이 필요합니다. 아래는 샘플 영어 이메일입니다.
제목: Partnership Proposal with Energy Drink Company B
Hello Shoe Company A,
My name is Braiden Garcia from Energy Drink Company B where our mission is to bring vigor and passion to our adventure-loving clientele with our energy drinks.
We have been following (and wearing) Shoe Company A’s shoes for quite some time, and we love how your slogan “Adventure in every step” aligns with our own company mission.
This is why I would like to propose a partnership between Shoe Company A and Energy Drink Company B for a seasonal campaign next year in 2023. I believe that by working together, we can both extend our customer base, with Shoe Company A gaining exposure to our adventure-loving following and vice versa.
If you are interested in pursuing this collaboration together, let me know when your team would be available for a Zoom call. I have attached our 2021 summer campaign’s digital pamphlet for your reference.
Looking forward to hearing back from you.
Kind regards,
Braiden Garcia
Marketing Department Head
+1 (222) 222-2222
최근에는 기업과 인플루언서의 협업이 이루어지는 경우도 많습니다. 아래 샘플 이메일에서는 이러한 상황을 가정하였습니다. 이런 영어 이메일에서는 기업의 임직원을 대상으로한 이메일보다는 좀 더 밝은 톤으로 작성하고, 약간의 미사여구를 넣는 것도 좋습니다.
제목: Collaboration for our new Cosmetics Company E skincare line
Hi Paula,
I’m Lena, a social media coordinator in charge of influencer outreach with Cosmetics Company E. At Cosmetics Company E, we aim to indulge your skin in only the best ingredients with our vegan and cruelty-free skincare and cosmetics.
I came across your Instagram and TikTok accounts last week, and I absolutely love your in-depth reviews on cruelty-free cosmetics, especially the one on our company’s Organic Stealth Lip Liners. We really appreciate your positive review and feedback!
I’m happy to say that Cosmetics Company E would love to collaborate with you for our new quinoa-based skincare line that is scheduled to be released at the beginning of next year. We extracted and increased the potency of the most beneficial parts of quinoa to create this game-changing skincare line.
Let me know if you would be interested in working with us so we could fly you out to try the whole line in person with our experts.
Can’t wait to hear back from you!
Lena Taylor Hall
Social Media Coordinator at Cosmetics Company E
일반적인 요청
업무 중에는 일반적인 요청을 하는 영어 이메일을 보내는 경우도 많습니다. 이런 이메일을 보낼 때는 종종 너무 많은 생각을 하게 되는데, 굳이 그럴 필요없이 요청 사항을 간단 명료하게 이야기하는 것이 중요합니다.
아래 샘플은 같은 회사 내의 직원에게 보내는 이메일입니다.
제목: Inquiries about logo changes | Media Content Team
Hi Edgar,
My name’s Madeline, and I’m a video editor from the Media Content Team.
I had a couple of questions regarding the use of the company logo.
- Were there any recent changes to the company logo or mascot character? The latest version our team has is the March 2022 version. If there were any changes, could you send me the most recently updated logo and/or company mascot character?
- Are we allowed to add curvature to the logo to wrap around a cup for a company video advertisement? We would be adding the curvature during postproduction. I attached an example image to the email for your reference. In the image, the text “SHAKE” is curved to match the curvature of the cup.
- Could we add a hat to the company mascot character? We are planning to incorporate a cowboy theme into our next video advertisement, so we were wondering if we could put a cowboy hat on the mascot. The guidelines for the company mascot state that adding shoes to the mascot is not permissible. However, it did not mention anything about adding hats to the character, so I was wondering if it would be acceptable to add a hat.
Let me know if any of my questions were unclear. The deadline for our next video advert is at the end of this month, so I would appreciate it if you could give me a response by the end of this week if possible!
Thank you,
Madeline Blake
Video Editor at Company G
아래는 다른 기업의 담당자에게 질문을 하는 영어 이메일 샘플입니다.
제목: Questions concerning upcoming article on Company H
Dear Ms. Levitts,
Nice to meet you. My name is Felix, and I am a PR Specialist at Company H. I am emailing you in regards to the upcoming article you are writing on our company. I received your contact from my predecessor Archie Bell who was recently promoted to manager of our team. From now on, I will be in charge of all communication with Newspaper Company J.
To start off, I had a couple of questions regarding the upcoming article.
Would we be able to review the article before it is published?
Our team would prefer to have a final check on the information being disclosed about our proprietary biotechnology invention. We would like to review if the information is being conveyed in an accurate manner to prevent any misinterpretations of what our technology can promise.
What date and time would the article be released?
I am aware that the article will be released at the beginning of next week but would like to know a more specific time so our PR department can also plan accordingly.
I would also like to mention that the utility patent that was pending for our new technology was granted and published as of September 22nd, 2022. It would be great for this information to also be included in your article.
Looking forward to speaking to you again.
Felix Shah
PR Specialist with Company H
1 (222) 222-2222
팔로업 또는 리마인더
팔로업 또는 리마인더 영어 이메일 역시 직장인들이 자주 보내는 이메일입니다. 다만, 이 경우는 제촉하는 상황일 수 있어 조금 조심스럽습니다. 정중하게 요청하면서도 원하는 것을 분명하게 이야기하는 것이 중요합니다.
아래는 협업 제안에 대한 팔로업 이메일 샘플입니다.
제목: Follow-up on collaboration proposal with Cosmetics Company E
Hi Paula,
I just wanted to send you a follow-up to the previous email I sent you regarding our collaboration proposal to you for our new Cosmetics Company E skincare line.
I would like to reiterate that Cosmetics Company E will fly you out here to our headquarters in California to get an exclusive first try of our upcoming skincare line with our experts who will also walk you through the creation process as well. All our products are vegan, cruelty-free, and organic (USDA-certified), and we use environmentally-friendly packaging which includes recyclable bottles and paper packaging.
For your stay with us, we will provide a five-star hotel and transportation, and if you decide to work with us for this collaboration, we will be offering paid promotion per Instagram post or story along with an affiliation link by which you would get a percentage of the sales.
We would love to work with you as your values of spreading cruelty-free cosmetics align with our company’s mission. If you are interested in collaborating, please let us know by September 30th.
I’m looking forward to hearing back from you!
Kind regards,
Lena Taylor Hall
Social Media Coordinator at Cosmetics Company E
아래는 리마인더 영어 이메일 샘플입니다. 제목에 [Urgent]를 추가하여 시급함을 강조하였습니다.
제목: [Urgent] Reminder of UI/UX design deadline
Hi Isabelle,
This is Tristan from the front-end team. I just wanted to remind you that the deadline for you to pass on your designs to me was yesterday, June 13th.
I need to receive the designs in a timely manner in order to have enough time to code the pages. I would appreciate it if you could send me the designs by the end of the day, as my own deadline to complete my part is tight.
Please get back to me as soon as you can.
Thank you,
Front-End Developer for Company K
행사에 대한 초대
아래는 비즈니스 행사에 상대방을 초대하는 영어 이메일 샘플입니다. 아직 협력 관계가 형성되지 않은 상대방에게 보내는 경우입니다.
제목: Invitation to L Tech’s 2023 Innovation Convention
Dear Professor Boyd,
My name is Audrey Robinson, the Senior Event Coordinator at L Tech, the leading innovator for solar energy technology. I am honored to invite you to be a guest speaker at L Tech’s 2023 Innovation Convention on June 16th of next year at Venue Hall M in City P, New York.
The objective of our annual Innovation Convention is to share the latest renewable energy technology with the world and connect innovators around the globe.
We have been following your TED Talks and graduation speeches throughout the years, and our employees would be ecstatic to meet you at the event. Your vision on the future of technology corresponds to the direction of our company, so we thought it was perfect to have you as our main guest speaker.
L Tech will be providing all food, travel, and accommodation expenses along with a small team who will guide you throughout the rehearsal and event.
The event will be filmed for our social media platforms where your voice will reach hundreds of thousands of subscribers worldwide. Photographs of the event will also be shared and displayed on our website.
I have attached an introduction to our company as well as a link to a video recap of last year’s convention so you can get a feel for the event.
Let me know if you would be interested or have any questions. We are very much excited to hear back from you.
Best regards,
Audrey Robinson
Senior Event Coordinator
P: +1 (333) 333-3333
E: audryjrobinson@ltech.com
아래는 HR 팀 매니저 Hugh가 회사 워크숍에 직원들을 초대하는 영어 이메일입니다.
제목: Company-wide Meditation Workshop | Friday, Nov 4th
Hi all,
This is Hugh, manager of the HR team. I am happy to announce that we will be having a company meditation workshop with Dr. Vincent P. Morgan who will speak on mental health and give guidance through the basics of meditation.
Dr. Morgan has traveled the world studying human psychology, given numerous TED talks on mental health, and written the hit book Human Mentality: Opening up the Mind. If you want to read more about Dr. Morgan, I attached a brochure of a previous event for which he was a speaker.
Mental health is just as important as physical health, so I would strongly encourage you all to join the workshop. A healthy mental state will translate into a happy lifestyle, whether at home or at the office.
The workshop will be held on November 4th at 3 PM at the Regency Hall. Snacks and beverages will be provided. All snacks will be vegan, non-GMO, gluten-free, and dairy-free but may contain soy and peanuts.
All company employees are welcome to attend. If you do plan to attend, please RSVP by emailing me at hughbanks@companym.com so I could get a head count for how much food to order. If you have a soy or peanut allergy, let me know so I can prepare an alternative snack.
Hope to see you there.
Hugh Banks
HR Manager
+1 (555) 5555-5555 ext. 5555
감사 인사
감사함을 표현하는 영어 이메일은 업무 환경에서 관계를 형성하는 데 매우 효과적인 수단입니다. 아래 이메일 샘플은 좋은 제안에 대해 감사하는 영어 이메일입니다.
제목: A little thank you for your suggestion the other day!
Hi Bryce,
It’s Jodi, the product packaging design team manager. I just wanted to say thank you for your suggestion in the last all-hands meeting.
We had been having trouble figuring out how to make our boxes still close slowly to ensure there is no hard impact on our products with our new eco-friendly material.
I think your expertise as a hardware engineer helped our team immensely. I was also surprised to hear that it has only been a month since you joined the company. We will try out the new folding method for our next testing batch of boxes, and I’ll update you on how it goes.
Thanks again and hope to hear your contribution in more meetings in the future!
Kind regards,
Jodi Campbell
아래는 도움을 준 상대방에게 감사하는 짧은 영어 이메일 샘플입니다.
제목: Thanks for the leads! Lunch sometime?
Dear Heidi,
This is Lora. I just wanted to thank you for the list of sales leads that you gave me the other day. I really appreciated it.
Let’s have lunch again together sometime next week when you’re free.
See you soon!
Much thanks,
Sales Representative for Company P
일정 조율
일정을 조율하는 내용의 이메일 역시 빈번하게 보내는 영어 이메일 중 하나입니다. 같은 팀 내 직원과의 미팅을 잡거나, 다른 팀과 회의 일정을 논의하거나, 다른 기업의 임직원과의 미팅을 잡는 경우가 해당됩니다.
아래 이메일 샘플은 같은 기업 내 두 팀간의 미팅에 대한 일정 조율 이메일 샘플입니다.
제목: Scheduling a Meeting for the Product Page Designs
Dear Front-end Team,
I’m Kenneth from the Web Design Team. I am writing to schedule a meeting between our teams for reviewing the current coding limitations with web design before our team starts designing the product pages for the summer line.
We briefly mentioned before in an all-hands meeting that we were wondering if scrolling animations would be possible for the product pages of the newly launching products. I just wanted to mention this so you get a general idea of the meeting.
We were wondering if 2:00 PM on Thursday would work with your team. Please let me know if that time works for you.
Web Designer
아래는 다른 기업의 담당자에게 보내는 일정 조율 영어 이메일 샘플입니다.
제목: Request for Second Meeting | Spring Collaboration 2023
Dear Tammy,
This is Scott, brand manager of Company R. I am writing to request a second meeting between our company and Company S regarding the upcoming Spring Collaboration for next year.
Our team would like to discuss the logistics of the video campaign in more detail. Our in-house video producer will also be present at the meeting this time around.
For this meeting, we would like to invite your team to our office. Would any of the following times work for your team?
- Monday, Dec 12th at 2:00 PM
- Tuesday, Dec 13th at 10:00 AM
- Thursday, Dec 15th at 10:00 AM
Let me know if any of the above times do not work for you.
Looking forward to seeing you and your team again.
Scott Price
Brand Manager at Company R
비즈니스 영어 이메일을 보내는 것은 매우 중요하고 빈번한 일이지만 쉽지 않은 일이기도 합니다. 이렇게 어려운 영어 이메일 작성 과정에서 이 글과 이메일 샘플들이 도움이 되길 바랍니다.
비즈니스 영어 이메일을 작성하는 과정에서도 역시 문법과 자연스러운 영어 표현은 중요합니다. 이 부분에서 도움이 필요할 때는 언제는 영어 문법 검사기 Engram을 활용해보시기를 권장합니다.
참고 자료: