두 단어는 사실 차이점이 없습니다. 모두 사용한 단어입니다. "Paid"는 금전적 거래와 관련된 동사 "pay"의 과거형입니다. 반면에 "payed"는 배의 일부를 누수 방지를 위해 밀봉하는 데 사용되는 의미에서 "pay" 동사의 과거형입니다.

예시 문장
단어의 정의를 찾아보는 것도 좋지만, paid와 payed를 언제 사용해야 하는지 파악하는 가장 좋은 방법은 각각의 단어가 사용된 문맥을 살펴보는 것입니다. 아래는 paid와 payed를 언제 사용해야 하는지 파악하는 데 도움이 되는 몇 가지 예문입니다.
The company paid my medical bills when I got injured at work last Thursday.
Kara paid off the last of her student debt with her savings.
Do you get paid biweekly or monthly at your current company?
The babysitter was paid extra to read bedtime stories to the two young children.
The founder paid over $5,000 to have a statue of the company mascot built in the lobby.
Jerry paid his electricity bill late and had to pay a late fine.
That job at the construction site paid about $18 an hour before taxes.
I paid a visit to my grandma in the hospital and remembered to bring her favorite flowers.
Laura paid for all the bullying she did in high school by losing her reputation when she was exposed.
I could tell you paid attention to the details when you knitted that design on your sweater.
The sailor payed the gap between the planks to ensure no water leaked into the boat.
The seams of the hull have to be payed with tar just in case water seeps in.
To prevent leakage, make sure the deck of the boat is payed with pitch.
The boatsman payed the grooves on the boat by using tar to fill them.
The henchman complained that he payed the boat all day and night but no one noticed his efforts.
Have you ever payed the deck of a ship before?
Father guided me when I payed the small boat of ours last summer.
We called the sailor who payed the deck last year to pay it again this year.
The hull was payed with high-grade hot pitch that cost the crew a hefty amount of money.
The boat will depart when the deck and hull are all payed and dry.
Paid와 payed를 구분하는 쉬운 방법은, payed와 paid는 두 단어 모두 pay(지불하다)의 과거형이지만, payed는 보통 배의 줄눈을 밀봉하는 것과 관련된 의미로 사용됩니다. 따라서, payed는 이러한 경우에만 사용하고, 그 외에는 paid를 사용하면 됩니다. 예를 들어, "I paid for my dinner last night"라는 문장에서는 paid를 사용하는 것이 올바릅니다.
- You’ve paid/payed for all the crimes you’ve committed with your long sentence in jail.
- The plantation worker was paid/paid in flour and sugar instead of money.
- Can you tell the sailors paid/payed the ship’s deck last night by the smell of drying tar?
- The job paid/payed well until the recession, which caused the company to go into extreme debt.
- Jessica paid/payed her boss a visit in the hospital and brought him his favorite cookies along with the latest updates on the company.
- Can you check if the boat was properly paid/payed before we go out sailing in it?
- Arthur paid/payed his respects to the late chairman and placed white irises on his grave.
- We paid/payed our rent to the landlord a day late, resulting in a late fee of $50.
- The local library paid/payed $11 per hour, which was more than how much the libraries from the other cities paid.
- The boatsman paid/payed the mid-sized ship all by himself with hot pitch which took over a whole day to dry.

- paid
- paid
- payed
- paid
- paid
- payed
- paid
- paid
- paid
- payed
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참고 자료:
Paid or Payed?
The two words both exist. Paid is the past tense of the verb pay when it involves financial transactions. Payed is the past tense of the verb pay when it is used to mean sealing a part of a boat to prevent leakage.