What’s the difference between this and that?

간단히 말하면, this는 말하는 사람에게 상대적으로 더 가깝고, that은 상대적으로 더 멀리 있는 것을 가리킵니다.

This‌ is...

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위의 그림에서, 피아노를 알려주는 선생님이 "This note right here"라고 말하는 것을 상상할 수 있습니다. 이는 말하는 사람에게 상대적으로 가까운 악보 상의 음표를 가리키기 위한 것입니다. 또는 듣는 사람보다는 말하는 사람에게 상대적으로 더 가까운 것을 가리키는 데에도 사용될 수 있습니다.

That is...

이미지 출처: Pexels

이 그림에서 남자아이가 "That mountain over there"이라고 말하는 상황을 상상해 볼 수 있습니다. 그는 자신과 거리가 먼 산을 가리키고 있습니다. That은 말하는 사람에게 상대적으로 더 멀리 떨어진 것이나, 말하는 사람과 듣는 사람 모두에게 멀리 떨어진 것을 가리키는 데에 사용될 수 있습니다.

The definitions

단어 this와 that은 대명사, 한정사, 부사로 사용될 수 있습니다. That은 접속사로도 사용될 수 있습니다. 하단은 두 단어의 다양한 정의를 살펴볼 수 있는 예시 문장들입니다.


  • (pronoun) used to identify a person, object, or situation that is close to the speaker, being indicated, experienced, or recently mentioned
Example: Is this your pen?
  • (pronoun) used to introduce someone or something
Example: This is your pilot speaking.
  • (determiner) used to identify a person, object, or situation that is close to the speaker, being indicated, experienced, or recently mentioned
Example: Did you use this pen to fill out the form?
  • (determiner) used to refer to periods of time in the present or recent past
Example: I have a dentist appointment this week.
  • (adverb) to the degree or extent indicated
Example: I didn’t know the lecture would be this long.


  • (pronoun) used to identify a person, object, or situation that is further from the speaker, being indicated, or previously mentioned
Example: Is that your pen?
  • (pronoun) used to single out someone or something and attributes a certain feature to that person or object
Example: The bird wants to collect only that which would ornate its nest.
  • (pronoun) used in the stead of “which,” “who,” “whom,” or “when” to introduce a defining or restrictive clause
Example: The dog that lives in that house barks every night.
  • (determiner) (pronoun) used to identify a person, object, or situation that is further from the speaker, being indicated, or previously mentioned
Example: Did you use that pen to fill out the form?
  • (determiner) used to single out someone or something and attributes a certain feature to that person or object
Example: Have you met that type of person who can get along with anyone?
  • (determiner) used to refer to a person or object assumed as understood or familiar to the listener
Example: Have you talked to that son of yours?
  • (adverb) to such a degree or extent
Example: I didn’t know that tree would grow that big.
  • (conjunction) introducing a subordinate clause expressing a true or hypothetical statement
Example: I know that she is relieved.

Example sentences

  • That backpack you are wearing looks nice.
  • This is the book I was talking about.
  • I don’t have time this week, but next week might work.
  • He wished that his score would be higher this time.
  • This is Robert Watson, and he will be your instructor for today.
  • When I was little, I had a toy dog that walked and barked.
  • Did you try out this new coffee blend?
  • Jillian works at that building over there Monday through Friday.
  • We didn’t know we would be standing this close to the lava for this tour.
  • I met that type of girl who opens up about herself a bit too much on the first day.

Practice questions

  1. This/That is your captain speaking.
  2. The restaurant you are looking for is in this/that far building over there.
  3. This/That apple I’m holding is Washington’s state fruit.
  4. This/That eraser next to your foot is mine.
  5. Lucy has a report this/that is due on Friday, but she hasn’t even started.
  6. I think you’re talking about this/that book right here.
  7. Can you solve this/that math problem on the paper in front of you?
  8. What do you think of this/that dress right next to me?
  9. He thinks this/that you are not being truthful.
  10. Could you hand me this/that notebook right next to you?
이미지 출처: Pexels


  1. This
  2. that
  3. This
  4. That
  5. that
  6. this
  7. that
  8. this
  9. that
  10. that

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참고 자료:

This vs. That
What’s the difference between this and that? The simple answer is that this refers to something relatively closer to the speaker while that refers to something relatively farther from the speaker.